SuperYacht Times is proud to announce the launch of HeliDeck, a cool new feature for YachtEye.
With many of the world’s largest yachts boasting one (or even two) onboard helicopters, it seems natural that owners, guests, captain and crew should be able to access up-to-the-second insight on their helicopter’s movements.
HeliDeck tracks the real-time flightpath of a yacht’s helicopter so users know exactly when guests will arrive and how their journeys are progressing. Via the HeliDeck application on YachtEye, a detailed 3D model of the helicopter (which can be viewed from different angles) can be seen approaching or leaving the yacht. This 3D rendering switches to CCTV upon approach so users can view the real-time arrival.
One of YachtEye’s most popular features is TenderTracker: a way of monitoring where a vessel’s tender is to keep track of when guests are due to arrive. Extending this option to helicopters seemed a no-brainer, but wasn’t, by any means, simple to get right.

“As helicopters travel a lot faster than tenders, it was a challenge for us to come up with a good solution,” says Peter Aarts, Operational Director of SuperYacht Times. “However, together with our creative and development team, we came up with a solution that combines 3D technology with CCTV.”
Here, at SuperYacht Times, we believe in investing in technology – not only to ensure we keep improving user-experience across all of our platforms, but also to develop exciting new products that appeal to both existing and new clients alike. Our in-house development team, with its seven full-time members of staff, is proud to have created what will undoubtedly become a must-have for all yachts which feature helicopters. Meanwhile, they continue to work on our game-changing virtual superyacht experience, SuperYacht Times 3D (SYT 3D), and adding new features to our market-leading intelligence system, SuperYacht Times iQ (SYT iQ).
About YachtEye
YachtEye is a unique visual infotainment platform for superyacht owners and their guests. The system intuitively shares valuable insights about the journey, the stay on board and the environment. Clients can interact with YachtEye via TV, touchscreens and iPads to discover more about the route highlights, itinerary, weather conditions, tender positions, the menu of the day and much more.
For more information on YachtEye and the HeliDeck feature contact us at